Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Well, tomorrow is the BIG day! Hopefully my foot will finally be on the road to recovery! I just got done taking a nice HOT bubble bath (That is what I was really thankful for today, but I didn't take of pic of that ;)) and feel all clean and ready for that 5am alarm to go off and get this over with! I go in around 7:30 and should be out of surgery within an hour! Hopefully I will be resting in my bed by noon! Here goes nothin...


  1. Good luck, will be praying for you!

  2. Hugs hon... Been praying for ya... Give Izzy and my girls a scritch from me!

  3. Your wonderful aunt gave an update on her blog that you came through surgery -- and that's great!!!

  4. Just heard you did well. Hope you heal up fast and gooder than the last surgery!
